
Safety At Allaso Ranch

Since 2008, Allaso Ranch has embedded a core value of prioritizing safety across all aspects of our operations. Embracing “Safety First” as a cornerstone of our culture, we ensure that safety is at the forefront of every decision and action.

Our comprehensive safety framework encompasses protocols in staff hiring, emergency response procedures, abuse prevention strategies, activity supervision, food handling practices, facility maintenance standards, security measures, healthcare services, and specialized training for interacting with and leading guests. This holistic approach underscores our commitment to maintaining a secure and supportive environment for all who visit Allaso Ranch.

Culture of Excellence

Allaso Ranch exceeds industry standards for safety protocols in many areas. Our goal is to provide an outstanding experience for guests, with a team that is ready to assist you at every opportunity and endeavors to exceed expectations.

CCCA Member

Allaso Ranch is a member of the Christian Camp & Conference Association. CCCA is an independent organization that establishes and evaluates standards and best practices for the camping industry. CCCA is dedicated to maximizing ministry for member camps and conference centers, emphasizing the commitment to physical, emotional, spiritual, and sexual safety for campers, staff, and volunteers.

Outstanding Facilities

Our facilities are another area where you can see our standards of excellence. Cabins are equipped with smoke alarms, fire suppression systems, fire extinguishers, security alarm systems, fob access control systems, and posted emergency procedures. In addition to being prepared for emergencies, our maintenance teams regularly check cabins and buildings and have a routine maintenance program in place. Additionally, security for our guests is regularly assessed and improvements are made as necessary.

Full-Time Professional Team

Each full-time staff member undergoes a thorough interview process, a background check which includes a check against the national sex offender registry, and reference checks at the time of hire.

Allaso Ranch practices daily monitoring of all activities through checks and balances. Ministry Team Leaders, Activity Managers, the Waterfront Director, the Conference Director, the Camp Director, and a team of seasonal staff provide constant monitoring of all camp activities.

Emergency Procedures

Allaso Ranch has emergency procedures in place for various scenarios including severe weather, fire, medical emergencies, violent situations, intruders, missing campers, and active shooters. We train our staff on how to respond and what their roles are in these emergencies.

Abuse Prevention

Allaso Ranch contracts with an outside consulting company, Ministry Safe (MinistrySafe.com), an expert in the field of abuse prevention. This organization trains our staff on behaviors and actions to watch for to help prevent the possibility of abuse. Additionally, they help us identify potential risk areas at camp from which we have developed systems and adjusted facilities in efforts to minimize any threat of child abuse.

In compliance with Texas State law, if any of our staff become aware of potential or actual camper abuse, we report any suspicions or information to the appropriate agency.

Activity Safety

Waterfront and Pools

  • Trained and Certified American Red Cross Lifeguards are posted at every water activity.
  • Non-swimmers must wear a life jacket to participate in any water activity.
  • All guests must wear a life jacket at waterfront activities.
  • The water in all pools is tested regularly to ensure the water meets state standards.

Challenge Course

  • Staff who lead challenge course activities are trained through an Association of Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) preferred vendor member.
  • All challenge course elements and equipment are inspected annually by an Association of Challenge Course Technologies (ACCT) preferred vendor member.

Other Activities

  • All sports activities (like Gel Blasters & Archery Tag) are facilitated by staff trained specifically in those areas.
  • All horseback activities are facilitated by staff trained specifically for those horse activities.
  • All mountain biking activities are facilitated by staff specifically trained in that activity.

Food Safety

Allaso Ranch’s dining services adhere to the same regulations, permits, and state inspections as public restaurants. We collaborate with each group’s leadership to create custom menus, offering gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegetarian options as needed. Menu alternatives are available for severe food allergies. For more information, please contact our Conference Planning Team.

Health Care

Our Medical Center is staffed by licensed health professionals and healthcare assistants, overseen by a physician who conducts annual reviews of our policies and treatment protocols. We maintain a stock of commonly used medications, such as Tylenol, for as-needed use. To ensure excellent service for your family, we adhere to Texas Youth Camp regulations. Allaso Ranch is located within proximity to EMT services, and the closest ER is about 25 minutes away by car.

Outdoor Education Programs

Allaso Ranch is committed to providing the highest quality Outdoor Education staff in the industry. Our instructional staff are passionate educators with college degrees. They undergo extensive training, including certifications in activities and training related to working with students and our high-quality curriculum. Staff members participate in weekly in-service training to refresh skills and engage in ongoing staff development.

Medical Care

To assure campers have immediate medical care available, each group brings a nurse or other first aid-trained individual. Should a guest need additional medical treatment, schools are given directions to nearby medical facilities.

Supervision and Managing Health

Safety is critical, and it has long been our practice to use the group of 3 system while on camp. We suggest that schools require two adults to accompany students whenever they are separate from the rest of the group, during their classes, and in their cabins. Staff are on-site 24 hours a day to ensure safety.


Upon arrival, group leaders will receive a brief orientation covering site rules, emergency procedures, and best practices for group safety. Children and youth must always be supervised by an adult, with a recommended ratio of one adult for every six children. We encourage utilizing the rule of 3, where guests are always in groups of 3 or more when on camp property.

Our on-site Medical Center is available for use, but groups should provide a medical professional to be the main point of contact for the duration of their retreat. At the start of the retreat, we suggest all participants receive a safety briefing covering camp rules, emergency procedures, and behavior expectations. Certain areas of the camp may be restricted, so please adhere to all signage and staff instructions regarding these zones.

Additionally, familiarize the group with fire evacuation routes and assembly points, and refrain from using open flames. Any accidents, injuries, or suspicious activities should be reported to on-site staff immediately. By following these protocols, we aim to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all retreat participants at Allaso Ranch.

Summer Camp

Well-Trained, Carefully Selected Summer Staff

We recruit students nationwide to join our team at Allaso Ranch. Our rigorous staff selection process includes comprehensive interviews, thorough background checks, and specialized training. Each staff member undergoes a rigorous 14-day training period that covers emergency response protocols, behavior management techniques, and camper safety procedures.

During training, staff are evaluated on their ability to uphold our high standards of care and professionalism. This intensive preparation ensures they are equipped to handle various camp scenarios, from leading activities to responding to medical emergencies. Moreover, ongoing professional development sessions throughout the summer enhance their skills and readiness.

By prioritizing thorough recruitment and rigorous training, we uphold our commitment to providing a safe and enriching experience for all campers at Allaso Ranch.

The Decentralized Difference

At Allaso Ranch, our cabins function as close-knit communities where campers stay with the same team of counselors for the entire week. This consistent group dynamic fosters a sense of belonging and trust, while also ensuring a high level of accountability. By having multiple counselors assigned to each cabin, we prevent situations where a camper is ever left alone with a single counselor, significantly enhancing safety and supervision.

Our counselors work collaboratively to monitor and support campers, providing a balanced and attentive environment. This system allows for shared responsibility and oversight, ensuring that all interactions are appropriate and that any concerns can be quickly addressed. Additionally, the team approach helps counselors to better understand each camper’s needs, promoting a positive and inclusive camp experience. By prioritizing community and accountability, we create a safe, supportive, and enriching environment for every camper at Allaso Ranch.

Skilled Certified Medical Team

During the summer months, we ensure the presence of licensed and certified healthcare professionals available round-the-clock for our campers’ health needs. Led by our dedicated Healthcare Director, our team adheres to medical protocols that are updated annually. This ensures that we maintain the highest standards of medical care and emergency response readiness throughout the camp season.

Our healthcare professionals are equipped to handle a wide range of medical situations, from administering first aid to managing chronic conditions, under the guidance and supervision of our experienced director.

Abuse Prevention

At Allaso Ranch, we take abuse prevention seriously and are committed to creating a safe environment for all campers. In compliance with Texas law, if any of our staff become aware of potential or actual camper abuse, we immediately report any suspicions or information to the appropriate authorities. This includes physical, emotional, sexual, or any other form of abuse.

Our staff members undergo thorough training to recognize signs of abuse and understand their legal obligations to report. We maintain strict protocols to ensure all reports are handled swiftly and confidentially. Additionally, we encourage campers, parents, and guardians to communicate any concerns directly to our team, reinforcing a community-wide commitment to safety and well-being.

By adhering to these procedures, Allaso Ranch strives to uphold the highest standards of protection and care for every camper.