
Volunteer At Allaso Ranch

Volunteering at Allaso Ranch is not just about helping others or accomplishing a task. Serving others is a special part of growing your relationship with God. Whether it’s as a camp counselor or behind the scenes, there are many areas at Allaso Ranch where you can make a difference. You need only a smile and a desire to serve the next generation.

Volunteer Opportunities


  • Adult Trainer for Jr. High, Sr. High or Kids Camp
  • Co-Trainer for Kids Camp – Sr. High students that have completed 9th grade
  • Co-Trainer for Jr. High Camp – Sr. High students that have completed 10th grade
  • SidebySide Trainer – Serve alongside campers with special needs/disabilities

General Volunteer

  • Operations Team – Kitchen, housekeeping, camp store
  • Grounds Team – Set up, maintenance
  • Activities Team – Wrangler, ropes course, zip line, swim center, paintball, etc.
  • Media – Lights, sound, etc.
  • Medical Team – Must be licensed professional: Doctor, Registered Nurse, Paramedic, etc.

Arrival Day Volunteer

Allaso Ranch has opportunities for you to be a part of the camp experience without staying the entire week!

The Arrival Team has the privilege of hosting all of our campers and families on their first day of camp. Their responsibilities include greeting, hosting, giving a hay ride tour to the main building, loading luggage and camp check-in. Arrival Team volunteers serve on the weekend for one or two days, depending on your schedule.

Contact Information

For more information about volunteering for Jr. High & Sr. High Camp, please contact The Mix Team.

For more information about volunteering for Kids Camp, please contact Jennifer Clark.

Interested In Volunteering

If you are interested serving with us at Allaso Ranch, please click the link below and let us know a little bit about yourself.

I'm Interested In Volunteering